Book, audio, video, and children's books that have been added to the shelves.
Title | Author | CALL # |
The secret to true happiness: enjoy today, embrace tomorrow. | Meyer, Joyce | 248.4 MEY |
It’s easy being green: one student’s guide t serving God and saving the planet. | Sleeth, Emma | 261.88 SLE |
The post-American world. | Zakaria, Fareed | 303.49 ZAK |
The world without us. | Weisman, Alan | 304.2 WEI |
When men become gods: Mormon polygamist Warren Jeffs, his cult of fear, and the women who fought back. | Singular, Stephen | 306.84 SIN |
Bad money: reckless finance, failed politics, and the global crisis of American capitalism. | Phillips, Kevin | 330.973 PHI |
Dept cures “they” don’t want you to know about. | Trudeau, Kevin | 332.024 TRU |
The trillion dollar meltdown: easy money, high rollers, and the great credit crash. | Morris, Charles R. | 332.04150973 MOR |
Gusher of lies: the dangerous delusions of “energy independence.” | Bryce, Robert | 333.790973 BRY |
Farewell, my Subaru: an epic adventure in local living. | Fine, Doug | 333.72092 FIN |
The Texas Rangers: wearing the cinco peso, 1821-1900. | Cox, Mike | 363.2092 COX |
Raising a bilingual child: a step-by-step guide for parents. | Pearson, Barbara Zurer | 404.2 PEA |
Meerkat Manor: Flower of the Kalahari. | Clutton-Brock, Tim | 599.74 CLU |
Are you ready! : take charge, lose weight, get in shape, and change your life forever. | Harper, Bob | 613.25 HAR |
Mistaken identity: two families, one survivor, unwavering hope. | 617.4 MIS | |
The best birth: your guide to the safest, healthiest, most satisfying labor and delivery. | McMoyler, Sarah | 618.2 MCM |
Earth, the sequel: the race to reinvent energy and stop global warming. | Krupp, Fred | 621.042 KRU |
Newspaper, pennies, cardboard & eggs for growing a better garden: more than 400 new, fun, and ingenious ideas to keep your garden growing great all season long. | Yepsen, Roger B. | 635 YEP |
Planting green roofs and living walls. | Dunnett, Nigel | 635.9671 DUN |
A slice of organic life. | 640 GOL | |
Easy green living: the ultimate guide to simple, eco-friendly choices for you and your home. | Loux, Renee | 640 LOU |
Nigella express: good food, fast. | Lawson, Nigella | 641.5 LAW |
660 curries: the gateway to the world of Indian cooking. | Iyer, Raghavan | 641.5954 IYE |
Hello, cupcake! | Richardson, Alan | 641.8653 TAC |
Growing up green: baby and child care. | Imus, Deirdre | 649.1 IMU |
The one minute entrepreneur: the secret to creating and sustaining a successful business. | Blanchard, Kenneth H. | 651.1 BLA |
The great and secret show: Volume 2. | Barker, Clive | 741.5 BAR |
Iron Man: beneath the armor. | Mangels, Andy | 741.5 MAN |
Big book of crystal beads. | Ponce, Patricia | 745.582 PON |
The complete practical guide to card making: 200 step-by-step techniques and project with 1110 photographs. | Owen, Cheryl | 745.5941 OWE |
Simply stunning beaded jewelry. | Ciotti, Donatella | 745.5942 CIO |
Decorative knot craft: over 20 innovative knotting & macramé accessories. | Lang, Kim Sang | 745.5942 LAN |
Custom slipcovers made easy. | Dubicki, Elizabeth | 746 DUB |
Uncommon crochet: twenty-five project made from natural yarns and alternative fibers. | Holetz, Julie Armstron | 746.43 HOL |
Amigurumi world: seriously cute crochet. | Rimoli, Ana Paula | 746.43 RIM |
Crocheted flowers. | Thompson, Suzann | 746.43 THO |
Quilt as desired: your guide to straight-line and free-motion quilting. | Frable, Charlene C. | 746.46 FRA |
Thimbleberries quilting a patchwork garden. | Jensen, Lynette | 746.46 JEN |
Bits and pieces: 1B small quilts from fat quarters and scaps. | Soltys, Karen Costello | 746.46 SOL |
Country living: 500 quick & easy decorating project & ideas. | DeVito, Dominique | 747 DEV |
Making room: finding space in unexpected places. | Jordan, Wendy Adler | 747 JOR |
House beautiful: 500 sensational ways to create your ideal home. | Nayer, Jean | 747 NAY |
The window style bible. | Moore, Gina | 747.3 MOO |
Lin Wellford’s painted garden art anyone can do. | Wellford, Lin | 751.426 WEL |
Armageddon in retrospect, and other new and unpublished writings on war and peace. | Vonnegut, Kurt | 818.54 VON |
Fool’s paradise. | Gierach, John | 799.124 GIE |
Purr more, hiss less: Heavenly lessons I learned from my cat. | Zobel-Nolan, Allia | 818.5402 ZOB |
Human smoke: the beginnings of World War II, the end of civilization. | Baker, Nicholson | 940.5311 BAK |
500 years of Chicana women’s history = 500 anos de la mujer chicana. | Martinez, Elizabeth Sutherland | 973.046872 MAR |
Dreams from my father: a story of race and inheritance. | Obama, Barack | 973.049 OBA |
America: our next chapter: tough questions, straight answers. | Hagel, Charles Timothy | 973.93 HAG |