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Texas government, US government US Government's Official Web Portal
Guide to Texas HMO Quality and Comparing Texas HMOs 2006  From the Office of Public Insurance Counsel.
Guide to Texas HMO Quality 2006 compares data on quality of care delivered by Texas HMOs.
Comparing Texas HMOs 2006 focuses on the satisfaction of members with their Texas HMOs. The report includes the results of a survey of HMO consumers.
Handbook of Texas The Handbook of Texas, provided by the Texas State Historical Association is a multidisciplinary encyclopedia of Texas history, geography, and culture. It comprises more than 23,000 articles on people, places, events, historical themes, institutions, and a host of other topic categories. The scope is broad and inclusive, designed to provide readers with concise, authoritative, and accessible articles that provide factual, nonpartisan accounts on virtually every aspect of Texas history and culture.
Military & Government Collection Designed to offer current news pertaining to all branches of the military and government, this database offers a thorough collection of periodicals, academic journals and other content pertinent to the increasing needs of these sites. The Military & Government Collection provides full text for nearly 400 journals and periodicals. The database also includes full text for 245 pamphlets and offers indexing and abstracts for more than 500 titles. Publications covered in this database include Air Force Comptroller, Army Reserve Magazine, Defence Studies, Global Security Review, JFQ: Joint Force Quarterly, Military Technology, National Review, Combat Edge, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, Foreign Affairs, Naval Forces, and many more. Additionally, many full text titles are available in native (searchable) PDF, or scanned-in-color.

Texas Historic Sites Atlas Features nearly 300,000 site records, including data on Official Texas Historical Markers and National Register of Historic Places properties in Texas. Also included are courthouses, museums, and sawmills across the state. You can search by Historic Designation, Keyword, County, Address, or Site Name to get instant access to detailed textual descriptions, historic photographs, and interactive maps to help you discover what makes Texas and your areas of interest unique.
Texas Reference Center Texas Reference Center is a Texas specific product designed specifically for school and public libraries. The database is comprised of periodicals, reference books, reports, and other content relevant to the state. Texas Reference Center contains 30 full text periodicals, 100 full text reference books, several Texas newspapers, and much more. Examples of titles offered include: Best in Texas, Texas Business Review,Texas Education Review, Texas Journal of Agriculture & Natural Resources, Texas Journal of Women & the Law, Texas Journal on Civil Liberties & Civil Rights, Texas Law Review, Texas Magazine, Texas Monthly, Texas Public Health Association Journal, Texas Review, Touchstone (Texas State Historical Association), and many more. EBSCO plans to increase the number of periodicals to more than 100, as well as add more than 100
reference books and several newspapers by 2007.
TexasOnline Official compilation of Texas government electronic resources, both at the state and local levels, and an index of Texas governmental or taxing authority web sites and services.
TRAIL Texas Record and Information Locator: A database of Texas governemnt publications available on the Internet. TRAIL searches and locates information from over 180 Texas state agency web servers.